Преимущества участия



The Russian Investment Forum exhibition area is a unique platform for presenting investment projects and demonstration of В2В solutions and technologies to Russian and foreign investors, as well as for meeting with relevant world trends, searching for solutions, consolidating efforts and fostering exchange of experience among the Forum participants.

For more information, please contact the Roscongress Foundation Exhibitions Directorate:

 +7 (495) 640 6547
 +7 (495) 640 7844

Victoria Mayorova, Head of the West section of the Exhibition Projects Directorate

 +7 (495) 640 6547, ext. 1141
 +7 (921) 347 3109

The ‘Healthy Life’ exhibition area is a point of attraction and the main discussion platform for leading representatives of the medical and scientific communities. At the Forum’s exhibition, the primary players in the healthcare sector will have an opportunity to present breakthrough technological and innovative projects, exchange experience, and discuss current global trends.

For questions concerning the signing of partnership agreements please contact the Roscongress Foundation Development Directorate Projects:

Natalia Rodionova, Senior Expert for Development Directorate Projects

 +7 (495) 777 1006, ext. 1233
 +7 (926) 388 2938

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По всем вопросам о Российском инвестиционном форуме можно обращаться в Фонд Росконгресс по телефону информационного центра Российского инвестиционного форума:

 123610, Москва, Краснопресненская наб., д. 12
 199106, Санкт-Петербург, Средний пр. В. О., д. 88, лит. А
 +7 (495) 640 6547